•                          HEMPSTEAD PUBLIC SCHOOLS

                ADULT & COMMUNITY EDUCATION PROGRAM                                      

           Graduation 2022
    The revitalization of the Hempstead community is directly tied to the Adult and Community Education Program's 
    ability to offer residents, ages 21 and over, the literacy skills needed to successfully negotiate positive outcomes for
    themselves and their children.  Designed to meet the post-secondary education as well as the employment needs of
    Hempstead residents, the Adult and Community Education Program offers traditional literacy classes (ESOL, GED, ABE, Citizenship), information and support services at various sites located throughout the community.  
  • Susan Thompson

    Director of Adult Education

    (516) 434-4047

    Roberta Elder

    Program Supervisor

    (516) 434-4047

    Ana Baez-Crosswell

     Educational Group Leader

    (516) 434-4047




  • Alexandra Morla

    Lead Case Manager

    (516) 434-4047

    Martha Romero

    Case Manager

     (516) 434-4047

    Ruby Pardo

    Case Manager

    (516) 434-4047