
  • Social Studies Department Goals/Objectives:

    The Hempstead Social Studies program integrates the study of the humanities and the social sciences. The primary aim of the Hempstead Social Studies program is the promotion of civic competence. Our program includes the study of such disciplines as economics, geography, government, history, law, psychology, philosophy, religion and sociology. In social studies classes students confront questions about the wonder and excitement of humankind in the world. Social studies classes help students understand their roots, see their connections to the past, comprehend their context, recognize the commonality of people across time, appreciate the balance of rights and responsibilities in an open society, and develop the habits of mind that make us reflective thinkers. We help students develop the ability to make informed and reasoned decisions for themselves and for the public good as members of a culturally diverse community and an interdependent world. We also play an essential role in the development of historical literacy and writing skills, a fundamental component of the Common Core Learning Standards (CCLS). Among these skills are the ability to locate and cite specific textual evidence to support conclusions and to evaluate the arguments and claims in a text.

    Use this link to view our Curriculum Pacing Guides


Learning Standards for Social Studies (PK-12)

  • Standard 1: History of the United States and New York

  • Standard 2: World History

  • Standard 3: Geography

  • Standard 4: Economics

  • Standard 5: Civics, Citizenship, and Government