- Hempstead Union Free School District
- Vision and Mission
Bilingual Education & World Languages
Page Navigation
- Vision and Mission
- Bilingual Education and World Languages Handbook
- Bilingual and World Languages Team
- Summer Learning Packet (K-12)
- Seal of Biliteracy
- Best Practices For Success
- Department Newsletters
- Newcomers Program/ Parent Meetings
- World Languages
- ELL Screening Chart & Home Language Questionnaires
- Dual Language
- Parent Resources
- Savvas Teacher Resources
- CTLE Professional Development Guide
- Estrellita
- Renaissance
- Lexia English
- Units of Study Tables
- Instagram page
- 2024 Updates
Vision & Mission for Multilingual Learner Success
The Hempstead Union Free School District will challenge every multilingual learner (MLL) to develop a command of literacy in the home language, the English language, and other World Languages to meet the demands of a global society.
The Hempstead Union Free School District will build the capacity of all teachers of multilingual learners to become facilitators of learning language through content and the love of life-long learning through professional development that is meaningful, actionable, and applicable to every diverse learner.
Visión y Misión Para Estudiantes Multilingües
El Distrito Escolar de Hempstead retará a todos los estudiantes multilingües (MLL) a desarrollar dominio del idioma del hogar, el idioma inglés y otros idiomas mundiales para satisfacer las demandas de una sociedad global.
El Distrito Escolar de Hempstead desarrollará la capacidad de todos los maestros de estudiantes multilingües para convertirse en facilitadores del aprendizaje del idioma a través del contenido y el amor por el aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida usando el desarrollo profesional que sea significativo, accionable y aplicable a todos los estudiantes diversos.