
    Department of Social Studies

    TBA, District Director of Humanities

    516 434-4038







    Social Studies




    Writing Process







    Document–Based Question



    Student Planning Page 


    The Document-Based Question (DBQ) is a combination of up to eight short answer Scaffolding Questions and an essay that is based on the scaffolding (building) of those documents. Each DBQ will give you specific information including:


    • The theme of the essay (subject)

    • The historical context (background)

    •   Your task (job)





    Your ability to understand the DBQ process will help you effectively organize your essay.


    The Document-Based Question may require you to:


    • Answer factual questions.

    • Compare and contrast information.

    • Draw inferences (assumptions) and conclusions (decisions).

    • Analyze different types of documents including maps, graphs, charts, photos, political cartoons, short readings, and primary sources.

    • Be scored based on a grading rubric.





    The essay should be constructed by taking the information provided and creating a thesis statement based on the task. Additionally, the thesis statement must be proved in the body paragraphs by combining relevant outside information, citing and explaining (analysis) the information in the supporting DBQ documents. The DBQ essay requires the following elements that have been included in a checklist on the back of this form.

    DBQ Checklist





    Yes          NO


    Step 1

    Creatively provide the

    historical background

    (you may incorporate some of the historical background provided in the DBQ)





    Step 2

    Turn the task into a strong thesis statement

    (give your position on the topic that must be defended using facts in your essay)

    Note: The following are effective thesis statement ideas:

    *add a quote, *ask a question or *make a statement





    Step 3 – Decide which documents will be most helpful for writing this body paragraph. I will use documents ___________________________



    The body paragraphs should follow the following

    RAFT protocol

    Body Paragraphs (2-3)

    (Introduce the supporting evidence for your thesis statement)

    R-restate the main idea/point to prove

    Restate the portion of your thesis statement that addresses the task of this paragraph

    A-answer the question

    Analyze & explain how the documents prove your thesis statement

    F-for example

    Support your thesis statement with examples of related & relevant outside information

    T-tie up this topic and transition to the next topic (body paragraph)

    Sum up this subtopic and create a bridge to the next subtopic (body paragraph)



    Step 5

    Restate your thesis position using different words than in your introduction

    Step 6

    Include two or three of your strongest arguments that support your thesis position






    Time Management & Time Allotment Strategies


    Allotting an appropriate amount of time to each task on the DBQ and maintaining that schedule will maximize the score you will receive on the DBQ assessment. Note- the NYS Social Studies assessment allots 90 minutes for the Document-Based Question. Approximately half of the given time should be allotted to answering the scaffolding questions the other half should be for the essay.


    Time Management Reflection Chart




    My Initial Thoughts

    The # of minutes I feel that I will need to complete the task

    My Final Thoughts

    The # of minutes I feel that I will need to complete the task

    How much time will I need to complete -

    Scaffolding Questions





    How much time will I need to complete -


    Planning Organizer





    How much time will I need to complete -







    How much time will I need to complete -


    Body Paragraph





    How much time will I need to complete -


    Body Paragraph





    How much time will I need to complete -








    Total Minutes

    to complete the test

    (             )



    Total Minutes I feel that I will need to complete the test

    (             )


     If your time allotment doesn’t add up to the total time given to complete the test

    *reassign your time!