• Parent Links

    • LI-TECA : Long Island -Twice Exceptional  Children s Advocacy
    • PARENT TO PARENT : Parent to Parent of Long Island
    • Reed Martin  :Educational resource where parents, advocates, attorneys and school personnel can come for  information
    • SOCIAL STORIES : To help those facing a new social situation, along with how to write a social story
    • BRIDGES FOR KIDS  A non-profit parent organization providing a comprehensive system of information and referral for parents of children from birth through transition to adult life.
    • AEGUS:  AEGUS, The Association for the Education of Gifted Underachieving Students, serves as an advocate for this special population.
    • SNAP  :Special Needs Awareness Project
    • Council for Exceptional Children The largest international professional organization dedicated to improving educational outcomes for individuals with exceptionalities, students with disabilities, and/or the gifted.
    • Global overview of Educational terms: It is a condensation (from a book) produced by the Texas Education Consumers Association for their web site. This glossary of terms is more Global overview of Educational terms rather than specific to Special Education. We frequently hear these terms used fluently at PTA® and Special Ed PTA® meetings and especially at School Board meetings. I hope this glossary will help you in navigating the world of education.