
Teen Book Cloud


TeenBookCloud is an online database of eBooks and educator resources perfect for your middle school, high school, or public library. We offer a robust selection of Graphic Novels, Enhanced Novels, eBooks, Classic literature, National Geographic videos, educator resources, and audiobooks. (Books in Spanish)

AudioBookCloud:Your Online Audio Library is an online audio book library collection of streaming audio books for schools and libraries. A subscription to AudioBookCloud gives you unlimited remote access to your audio book collection. (Books in Spanish)


Your account to TeenBookCloud account has been set up. Please find a summary of your access information below. We have included a Direct Link for your account, which does not require library cards or authentication! The link will log users in with the click of a button. You can post them anywhere on your school or library website.




TeenBookCloud - gr 7-12 ebook database


Direct Link: https://www.teenbookcloud.com/autologin.aspx?u=hufsd&p=hufsd 

Username:  hufsd

Password:   hufsd



AudioBookCloud - all ages audiobook database

Direct Link: https://www.audiobookcloud.com/autologin.aspx?u=hufsd&p=hufsd 

Username:  hufsd

Password:   hufsd


TumbleBooks’ databases are easy to use, and feature unlimited access from home! Your patrons can read as many books as they want, when they want, and on any device. There are no check-outs, holds, or bulky downloads. Books are available instantly.


Your access will continue until August 31, 2020.